Islay Walden Education Alliance is a New Jersey-based non-profit corporation committed to helping leaders, communities, and organizations understand themselves and others through education, research, and advocacy. Our mission is to identify and eliminate barriers to personal and professional growth. We support executives, clergy, industry leaders, and community advocates in building capacity for strategic change through leadership development and ethical policy development.
Islay Walden is founded upon four universal pillars: history, heritage, faith, and scholarship. Whether in corporate settings or personal engagement, these four universal principles define organizational culture and inform individual perspectives.
Our vision and mission are realized through four sustaining initiatives:
Ethics and Equity Conference- an annual gathering of clergy, industry leaders, and community organizers to examine ethics and equity in public policy impacting vulnerable communities.
SOAP- an affirming and belonging state-wide initiative that acknowledges and celebrates the contributions of Americans from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Common Cause, Common Sense- a state-wide initiative that tracks public policy and progress in essential humanitarian areas and veteran services.
Humanistic Ecumenical Interfaith Reasoning (HEIR)- a national and international interfaith and intercultural exchange.
HISTORY: Examining the past to inform the present and forecast future change nd growth.
HERTIAGE: Celebrating and honoring diverse ethnicity, cultural, and experiences.

The Walden Principles
FAITH: The framework by which ethics, morals, and character are formed

SCHOLARSHIP: A continuous cycle of knowledge, technology, and information management.